
Facts about Moon | Full Information | Details

Factswiki.org Moon facts


Distance to Earth
384,400 km

1.62 m/s²

1,737.4 km

4.53 billion years

Orbital period: 
27 days

Surface area: 
3.793×107 km2
(0.074 of Earth's)

Surface pressure: 
10−7 Pa      (day)
10−10 Pa  (night)

● The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite.

● You could fit Moon in Asia.

● Moon is the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System overall, and larger than any known dwarf planet.

● Moon's surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's (0.1654 g).

● 59% of the total lunar surface can be seen from Earth.

● Moon's same side is always face Earth.

● Moon was created by Giant impact by Earth and Mars sized body called Theia. About 4.51 billion years ago.

● The first artificial object to reach the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 uncrewed spacecraft in 1959.

● The Moon makes a complete orbit around Earth about once every 29.5 days and sometimes 27.3 Days.

● Solar eclipses occur at new moon, when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth. 

● Lunar eclipses occur at full moon, when Earth is between the Sun and Moon.

● Size of the Moon is roughly the same as that of the Sun if view them from earth. 

● Scientist have found that distance between earth and moon is increasing by 38 mm (4 inches) per year (roughly the rate at which human fingernails grow).

● Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.

● The Moon has a solid, rocky surface cratered from impacts by asteroids, meteorites, and comets. 

● The Moon has a very thin atmosphere called an exosphere. You can breathe on moon. 

● More than 105 robotic spacecraft have been launched to explore the Moon.

● Moon can't support life because of its weak atmosphere and lack of liquid water. 

● Apollo astronauts brought back a total of 842 pounds (382 kilograms) of lunar rocks and soil to Earth. Scientists are still studying them.

● Twenty-four humans have traveled from the Earth to the Moon. Twelve walked on its surface.

● The last human have walked on moon was in 1972.

● Most of the planets in our solar system – and some asteroids – have moons. Earth has one moon.

● The Moon does not shine with its own light. It simply reflects light coming from the Sun.

● The eight Moon phases:

🌑 New: We cannot see the Moon when it is a new moon.

🌒 Waxing Crescent: In the Northern Hemisphere, we see the waxing crescent phase as a thin crescent of light on the right.

🌓 First Quarter: We see the first quarter phase as a half moon.

🌔 Waxing Gibbous: The waxing gibbous phase is between a half moon and full moon. Waxing means it is getting bigger.

🌕 Full: We can see the Moon completely illuminated during full moons.

🌖 Waning Gibbous: The waning gibbous phase is between a half moon and full moon. Waning means it is getting smaller.

🌗 Third Quarter: We see the third quarter moon as a half moon, too. It is the opposite half as illuminated in the first quarter moon.

🌘 Waning Crescent: In the Northern Hemisphere, we see the waning crescent phase as a thin crescent of light on the left.

● The moon has a very small core, Its just 1% to 2% of the moon's mass and roughly 420 miles (680 km) wide. 

● Temperatures on the day time of the moon reach 273 degrees F (134 Celsius); in Night Time it gets as cold as minus 243 F (minus 153 C).

● The moon's gravity causing predictable rises and falls in sea levels of Earth known as "TIDES."

● The moon's axis is tilted by only about 1.5 degrees, because of this it can't experience noticeable seasons. 

● July 20th is the moon day.

● The Moon also has quakes. These are caused by the gravitational pull of the Earth. They are called "Moonquakes."

● During the 1950’s the USA considered detonating a nuclear bomb on the Moon.

● Mons Huygens is the Moon's tallest mountain. Its height is 18,046 ft.

● The moon's south pole has a wealth of resources, like water ice.

● Moon's atmosphere is just like Space vacuum. So it means We can't hear sound on Moon. 

● Because there’s no wind or water on the moon, tracks can last millions of years.

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